

Read current research from IMA, top incentive publications and research firms. View more information and articles.

Strategic Industry Group Resources

News Articles

Read recent and trending articles and press releases in the incentive industry.

IMA Industry Experts Bureau

IMA members are the best sources for information and education about incentive, engagement and recognition programs. That's why we've created the IMA Industry Experts Bureau. The experts bureau will serve as a resource for people within the industry who are looking for speakers and authors regarding specific topics, and for the public and media.

Incentive Recognition & Program Basics

View research articles on incentive rewards and recognition and program basics.

Marketing Intelligence

Read articles covering marketing in the incentive industry.

Employee Performance & Recognition

Read articles covering employee performance and recognition.

Summit Presentations

View videos and PowerPoint files from IMA Summit presenters.

Circle of Excellence Case Studies

Winners of the Circle of Excellence Award. Showcased examples of best practices in the design and implementation of employee incentive, sales incentive and channel programs and consumer promotions.