IGCC Committees

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Expand your network of industry colleagues and advance your industry organization by participating in one of IGCC's active committees.

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The Education Committee is focused on creating relevant educational content for member conversations, Summit sessions and other In-Person events, and resource guides. The committee supports in identifying relevant topics and finding presenters and experts to contribute to IGCC content. This group will represent the needs of the membership on what is important for IGCC to provide members when it comes to industry statistics, gift cards as incentives and rewards, research and analytical data related to the B2B market place.


Help us analyze and improve our voice within the B2B space. Create awareness within the channels we communicate: IGCC Website, LinkedIn, and IGCC Newsletter: News you can Use, and other email communications. Committee Members will support the IGCC Newsletter, website, social media content by sharing relevant industry news/articles, job opportunities, and other relevant topics IGCC should be highlighting. The communication committee helps IGCC maintain an excellent website full of useful content, resources, accurate directory, and more to enable our members to learn, connect, and stay engaged in the ever changing B2B Gift Card space. At times, members of this committee can support IGCC Corporate Outreach to promote our members and IGCC in the broader industry, providing exposure for brands, and educating business groups on how to participate and unlock the power of Gift Cards as a Reward/Incentive tool. 
This committee often works in collaboration with the membership committee to promotes and builds awareness of: gift cards as a valued corporate incentive or reward; IGCC members and their companies’ services; and IGCC as a trusted resource in the gift card and incentive industry.


The membership committee supports member recruitment, retention/renewals, and member engagement through outreach to their networks. Committee members will support membership growth initiatives, create plans for new member recruitment and outreach and serve as a resource for current and new members who have questions or want to get more engaged. Membership committee members should also be prepare to serve as ambassadors during the IMA Summit. This committee often works in collaboration with the communications committee to promotes and builds awareness of: gift cards as a valued corporate incentive or reward; IGCC members and their companies’ services; and IGCC as a trusted resource in the gift card and incentive industry.


Help IGCC facilitate quality opportunities for our members to increase their brand awareness and recognition. Volunteers will support sponsorship outreach to raise funds for IGCC initiatives and brainstorm new opportunities and sponsor benefits that are of value to member companies. This committee is a key component to ensuring IGCC can support the strong education, resource guides and research provided to members throughout the year.


The Incentive Gift Card Coalition (IGCC) leadership in conjunction with the Retail Gift Card Association (RGCA) leadership have agreed that as an industry we need to take an active stance, not just in words but with action, to create more opportunities for underserved communities to learn about and become involved with our industry. Learn more at www.diversity-in-giftcards.org.

Join a Committee

Interested in joining a Task Force for one of our Committees? Email info@usegiftcards.org for more information.